Thursday, December 12, 2013

Blueprint to Happiness: Compassion & Gratitude Letters

Compassion is an amazing act that creates the kind caring people that we are. Someone may be suffering deeply inside and may not show it on the outside but by simply showing kindness, you are showing compassion to that person you may not of even known was suffering. Compassing equals the understanding of one’s suffering and then the act of helping that person in need. It does not matter who you are nor where you are in the world we must all show compassion in order to determine our humanity, and to help better understand our own existence.

In kind and collative acts we find out more about ourselves and what makes us happy. Have you ever bought the person’s meal that was in front or behind you in line? Have you ever stayed with a friend who was going through a tough time even though she said she did not want anyone around? Have you ever just cracked a joke to lighten up the sadness in a room? These are all simple and small acts of kindness but to each and every individual who has done such selfless acts know the tremendous happiness after completing such an act. I am not saying of course to change who you are, but instead to be more aware of others feelings and to have compassion because you don’t know what situations others may also be struggling with.

Based on the reading “The Philosophical Basis of Caring, Compassion, and Interdependence” found on it states that compassion is found within Buddhists, Confucius and Taoists teachings even though they clash. This finding shows the importance of compassion and that if so many believe that this act can help us as individuals do great things as well as open our minds more to “mindfulness” then why not give this virtue a try to see the change in yourself, to prove if it does have a significant meaning in human development or growth. According to the same source, “on the surface, we appear to be separate and independent. Yet under the surface we are linked together. Thus your happiness is inseparably linked to the happiness you create for others” this statement could not have been said better because there are many truths to it. For example, many of us come from different backgrounds, religions and races and all this can be told from the outside, however we all are humans, we work the same way and feel the same things on the inside so there is no reason to treat others differently when on the inside we are the same. In addition, when one person is happy and shares that happiness with those around him then it is like a chain effect where others can’t help but smile or laugh due to how cheerful or silly that individual is.

Gratitude letters, what are they exactly? Gratitude letters is a source of writing down your feelings in a letter format to give to someone you treasure for always being there for you. The outcome is one you will never believe. Who would have ever thought that gratitude really works that it is like magical fairy dust that once sprinkled, it lights up the whole room in rainbow colors. The effects of gratitude letters are amazing and it feels like your whole existence has reached this bright place where you never want to close your eyes in darkness again. If you will like to know more about gratitude letters, log onto and look up “the science of happiness,” there you will find a video about an experiment done on gratitude letters. The results were a 19 percent increase in happiness for the individuals that shared their gratitude letters. Also, from the video you can see what a gratitude letter consists of, as well as why it is a big deal in ones happiness. So log on and find out because you owe it to yourself to find happiness.

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