Thursday, March 29, 2012

Birth Control: A Fairy Tale Gone Wrong

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has announced free distribution of birth control pills. These plans are put in place by Insurance companies using government funding to cover women’s health costs for birth control pills; something that would otherwise be paid out of pocket. Are you the reader wondering the same question: Can easier access to birth control pills promote better health for women? I appreciate the effort the government is making to help women out with such an expensive necessity, but are they going about the plans for this new health care act positively and not just doing something to make themselves seem like they care for the people?

Our teenagers today are the ones who pick up on the latest trends and fashions which has me extremely worried about what will come of our future generation’s health. Will birth control be the next trend? What is going on with the world? Have mothers forgotten the long conversations with their daughters about waiting until marriage? I personally remember the fairytales about the princes and princesses that in the end fall in love and live happily-ever-after. Looking at the influences that such fairytales may have on us females, it is not hard to figure out that a good portion of our lives will be dedicated to finding that special person. No matter the least unexpected places where you may meet that person, it all comes down to that blast of excitement knowing that this guy might be the one that keeps the soul happy that women want. Are we too caught up with the physical aspects of a relationship that we forget about who the person is inside? Since when did sex become priority number one in a relationship? The bottom line is that mom means well when she stresses the idea of waiting until marriage.

The whole controversy behind birth control is that it is too accessible and the only logical idea of the reasons why so many women use the pill is because they are not aware of the life threatening risks. Since the introduction of the pill there has been an influx of women’s diseases and maladies like never before in the history of medicine. The pill contains two types of synthetic hormones: chemically altered estrogens and progestins much like the hormones made by a woman’s ovaries. PMS or premenstrual syndrome had been discovered only about 10 years ago and the problem is caused by the culprit, birth control pills. Why birth control pills? To the body, the pill is a foreign and toxic chemical from unnatural substances. The progestin chemical in particular causes the ovaries to shut down production of natural progesterone and causes overflooding of a synthetic variation of estrogen and progestin. When the estrogen levels are disrupted and skyrocket this is when diseases and illnesses can be formed.

Fairytale or not, birth control pills, as well as excessive use of them will not make a woman’s life any less complicated than it already is. Instead, women should treasure their lives free of worry about illnesses that could have been prevented with closer attention to the things we are putting in our bodies.

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